One of the most efficient tools to make room in the B2B market, data in hand, is the evergreen email marketing. Even today, emails are the favorite channel of 9 out of 10 professionals (Content Marketing Institute, 2020), thanks also to the average levels of CTR (Click-through rate, a measure for the effectiveness of online advertising campaigns) that are truly impressive.

But for effective communications, it’s important to know how to write B2B marketing emails. To do this, there are important factors to consider: below we list some of them to make your business fruitful.

Target audience
. First, you need to think about the target audience. Knowing your audience is the first step to be successful and establishing a good relationship with them is the second step.

Knowing your audience means knowing who they are, the problems they have to solve and the values ​​they follow. This is essential to understand which topics to cover and how. Referring back to the buyer persona and related information is a great way to create targeted emails.

Title. Then, it should be remembered that the title of a newsletter can be the reason for the success or failure of a communication. This is essential to ensure that the email is noticed and opened in the midst of the many that arrive in the inbox of their leads. It is therefore important that the object is close to the needs of users, proposing solutions to their needs.

It happened, for example, that a first experiment of massive use of keywords in the subject made a lot of difference in terms of performance, with an open rate increased by almost 20% and higher conversions than other emails with a more reasoned subject.

Mail Body. Once this first barrier has been overcome, the recipients of the email must find a text that is easy to read, with short and relevant sentences. Ideal is therefore a simple and direct text, which creates curiosity, which refers to the target and which includes the most important keywords. Better if accompanied by a captivating graphic style, with reasoned colors and elements that are quick to load and interpret.

Time. Among the elements that make the difference, frequency and time should not be forgotten. The frequency refers to the interval that is allowed to pass between one communication and another: it can be a week, less, or more.

Instead, in time, we refer to identifying the best time to send your newsletter: which day of the week? at what time? These are two factors that strongly affect performance and finding the best time becomes one of the keys to success.

An example is letting a few days pass between one email and another, leaving time to think about the recipient. But to avoid the opposite effect, ie that the recipient forgets and considers our emails as spam, it is better not to wait too long, thus making sure that the sequence of the emails takes place preferably within a period of 7 days.

Testing. There are studies that have tried to answer these questions, trying to identify the perfect email algorithm. But as always, the best way to know which option is best is to test! A / B testing is essential in email marketing and is used to test alternative versions of titles, graphics, texts, delivery times, but also for the combination of these elements.

Knowing how to write emails in B2B marketing is important. There are many aspects to take into consideration, including public knowledge, the right subject, the text of the email, the sending times.
To get the desired results, if this is your first time doing email marketing, it will take time and practice. But it is an effort that is worth making and that pays off, because email marketing is a classic that works and by now many companies have built and today are building their success in the B2B market with the help of good old email.
